Sarah Nolan

Posts Tagged ‘stakeholders

In order to be an effective leader,
I can see how it is important to always have a plan, whether it is quick and
efficient or a more in depth strategic planning process.  I found it very interesting to read about
many different types of strategic planning and their applications.  I personally, found the Harvard model and stakeholder’s
models found in Bryson & Roering’s article “Applying Private Sector Stategic
Planning in the Public Sector” very useful.
Most of the time, I believe that I would use a modification of the
Harvard method if a lengthy process is needed.
The stakeholder’s method seems to be the most appropriately used plan
since it takes into consideration the environment of whom and what will affect
the organization.  I don’t like to think
in mainly negative terms by looking only for those stakeholders who would
adversely affect the organization, but also look for those who may benefit it.

In Savage’s article “Strategies for
Assessing and Managing Organizational Stakeholders”, many good examples were
given to address different types of stakeholders.  I agreed that the best method for dealing
with a stakeholder is to maximize the possible positive outcomes rather than
simply defend against negative ones.  It
is said that the best defense is a good offense, but in this case offense could
be seen as strategically bringing others to your side instead of just going
against them.  It reminds me that often
the most popular child on the playground is not the most aggressive one, but
instead is the one who gets along well enough with everyone.  They have few enemies, a lot of pleasant
acquaintances and some very close friends.
If this strategy is employed while managing an organization, then there
will be great success.